
NIHR hosts RAP9th Summer Camp Students

10 Jul 2017

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) hosted students of the 9th season of the Royal Academy of Police (RAP)’s summer camp, a program to train the youth of the future that aims to reinforce cooperation between the Interior Ministry and Tamkeen for the best interests of youth between the age of 12 and 17, where the NIHR is to present a number of human rights awareness lectures over 4 days at the NIHR’s headquarters in the Seef district.

The 1st day’s lecture discussed the “voluntary work in the human rights area” in a simple way, addressing participants’ definition of the most important constitutionally and internationally guaranteed human rights and the relationship between those rights and voluntary work, as well as NIHR’s role in the area of protection and promotion of human rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The visit witnessed distinguished interaction by the participants and was characterized by simple topics and clear ideas in an interesting and friendly style, which enriched both discussion and practice.